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Boosting sales with Meetric

Here are a few of the completely new and game-changing ways you can do just that today. We recommend you pick one and work with it until you master it. Then pick another.

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AI Feedback
Sales rep
Sales Rep Training

Utilize conversation intelligence to aid in the training of your sales reps. The technology can identify key patterns and successful strategies from previous calls, helping new reps learn faster. The active learning process is enriched by the direct exposure to real sales interactions and the ability to pinpoint what works and what doesn't.

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AI-powered meeting summaries

Automated meeting summaries through conversation intelligence can passively provide a quick recap of important points discussed during a call. This ensures no crucial information is missed, aiding in effective follow-up actions and increased sales.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
AI-Driven Insights

Utilize AI to passively sift through the large volumes of call & meeting data, generating insightful reports about customer behavior and sales rep performance. These insights could guide sales strategy, target the right prospects, and improve conversation tactics. This also reduces the manual effort of analyzing data.

AI Feedback
Identify Best Practices

Use conversation intelligence to actively identify successful call tactics across the team. Management can use this data to implement these best practices team-wide, leading to increased sales consistency and effectiveness.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Review own meeting recordings

Watch your past AI-enriched meeting recordings to understand how you could improve future meetings. Use the Meetric scorecards to review your meetings in a structured way.

Sales rep
Customer sentiment analysis

Conversation intelligence can provide a passive analysis of customer sentiment based on their responses, tone, and words used during interactions. This can help sales reps understand customer needs better and tailor their approach accordingly, increasing the chances of closing a sale.

Sales rep
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Role-play Practice

Sales reps can practice their selling techniques using conversation intelligence. Role-plays, guided by the insights from previous successful calls, can aid in refining pitch delivery and objection handling. This active engagement accelerates learning and boosts sales.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Score Card Evaluation

Implement active score card evaluations using conversation intelligence. Sales reps can self-assess their performance using predefined metrics and indicators. This allows for continuous improvement, contributing to a rise in sales.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Personalized Customer Interactions

Active use of conversation intelligence can lead to more personalized interactions with customers. Sales reps can refer to previous call history, preferences, and patterns to deliver a personalized sales pitch, increasing the chances of conversion.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Predictive Analytics

Using conversation intelligence, implement predictive analytics to passively identify potential high-value customers. This aids in prioritizing leads and ensuring a more effective allocation of sales efforts, leading to increased sales.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Efficient Onboarding

Use conversation intelligence to actively streamline the onboarding process for new sales reps. The technology provides a repository of real-life sales interactions that can be used for training, shortening the learning curve and leading to quicker sales.

Deal Risk Assessment

Conversation intelligence can passively assess the risk associated with a deal. By analyzing call data, the system can identify warning signs or red flags that suggest a deal might not close, enabling sales reps to take corrective action promptly.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Enhanced Collaboration

Conversation intelligence fosters active collaboration among the team by providing access to call recordings and transcripts. Teams can share insights, discuss strategies, and learn from each other's successes and failures to enhance overall sales performance.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Automation of Routine Tasks

Conversation intelligence can automate routine tasks such as call logging, note-taking, and updating CRM. This passive function reduces the administrative load on sales reps, allowing them to focus more on selling activities.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Process Standardization

Management can actively use conversation intelligence to standardize sales processes across the team. By identifying the most effective strategies, managers can ensure consistency, which can lead to better performance and higher sales.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Discovery of New Markets

Passively use conversation intelligence to identify emerging trends or unexplored markets. This data can inform business strategy and help companies tap into new opportunities, leading to an increase in sales.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Understand Customer Pain Points

Sales reps can actively use conversation intelligence to understand and address customer pain points better. With this deep understanding, they can tailor their pitch to offer the right solutions, enhancing customer satisfaction and increasing sales.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Track Sales Performance

Conversation intelligence provides management with passive insights into the performance of each sales rep. This helps identify areas for improvement, celebrate successes, and overall, promotes a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Identify Trends

Conversation intelligence can passively identify trends in customer behavior, market dynamics, and sales performance. These insights can inform strategy, allowing your team to anticipate and adapt to changes, driving better sales outcomes.

AI Feedback
Sales rep
Nurture Customer Relationships

Sales reps can actively use conversation intelligence to nurture customer relationships. Understanding a customer's history, needs, and communication style can help build rapport, leading to repeat business and long-term customer loyalty.

AI Feedback
Sales rep

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We see a 25% sales boost directly connected to Meetric after 1 year.
A complete game-changer for coaching, forecasting and growth.

Start using Meetric today and make the most out of your sales meetings

Experience the next-generation sales platform, built entirely for professional virtual selling.

  • Get insights into your sales meetings with powerful AI
  • Fully GDPR compliant
  • Meetings that are actually made for sales